SeenSpire Digital Signage

Seenspire infotainment offering now available from Signagelive

All-In-One Content streaming service for Digital Signage

Contact us for a demo of your social media feeds (Facebook, Instagram,twitter, and linked-in) plus have the ability to add world news, traffic and weather based on your location.  all you need is a TV or Digital Signage Player that will accept an HTML 5 site. and you have great looking custom digital signage for your office.  To see in action they have created a curated feed of socail media covering the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Click on Link or Copy and paste into your web browser.


E.L. Haynes Public Charter School Celebrates 15 Years

RTZ AV gives to E.L. Haynes PCS to celebrate their 15th Anniversary.  The special event took place on November 7th at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC.

We are grateful for your continued support over the years and hope you will join us again!

Basil Chawkat
Director of Information Technology
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School



FCC Wireless Microphone Transition Timetable



54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz, 470-608 MHz, AND 614-689 MHz

Beginning December 23, 2015 – Applications for certification of wireless microphone transmitters under the new rules may be submitted to the FCC.  Beginning nine months after the release of the Channel Reassignment Public Notice, or no later than December 26, 2017 – Applications for certification of wireless microphone transmitters must comply with the new rules.

Beginning 18 months after the release of the Channel Reassignment Public Notice, or no later than September 24, 2018 – Manufacturing and marketing of wireless microphones that do not comply with the new rules must cease.

Unlicensed use of wireless microphones operating on 566 up through the 600 MHz band must cease no later than 39 months after the release of the Channel Reassignment Public Notice.

This transition does not affect wireless microphones operating in the bands 902-928 MHz, and 2.4 GHz.  Current product in these frequencies will continue to be legal to manufacture, market, sell, and use

Technological Upgrades at WAU

Technology upgrades at WAU

RTZ AV is assisting WAU lead students with enhanced technology.  Multimedia equipment has been added to four more classrooms and 80” LED screens installed in the Music Center. Other additions include a high-definition projector, custom lecture podium, stereo speaker array system and the ability to record and playback digitally for review.

RTZ receives mention in NAD Year-end report

NAD has purchased a Lifesize 220 Team – 8 connection video conferencing unit for less than $15,000. ITS is requesting a budget in 2012 for hardware to stream meetings as well as increase our connectivity. Union college has purchase the same unit as the NAD, and the Media Center has voted to purchase Lifesize video conferencing as well.The video conferencing software is supported on the MAC, PC, mobile devices and iPads.

WAU Music Center Thanks RTZ AV

Grand Opening of the Leroy and Lois Peters Music Center was a great success and we were glad to be a part of the setup.  See the following testimoial in response from the Associate Vice-President at Washington Adventist University.

I just wanted to thank you and your team for their hard work this past week in support of the Grand Opening of the Leroy and Lois Peters Music Center.

Mike was out last Friday to train me on the rehearsal hall equipment.  It’s a good thing he came out too; because I had to reset the TOA back to user settings 1 — just like he had demonstrated.  We were able to play the video in a loop.

Natalie did a great job, without much time, putting the final edit requests into the Building Contraction video.  She was kind enough to pick up the content and deliver the production DVD to us too.

Sabbath night, the concert started off with the playing of the Construction Video in Sligo at 6 PM.  This was the first time anyone (other than the three of use) has seen it.  It went over very well —  several compliments.  Then at 8 PM the Grand Opening.  It was packed.  We must have had 400+ people here.

The Librarian already asked me for another copy of the DVD.  She wants to ensure we have a copy in the Universities’ Archives for historical sake.  Can you create one more DVD, Natalie.  🙂

Mike, I still need a few programming updates to the Extron yet.  The “volume controls” are still having some problems.  The step increment seems too small.  It takes a lot of clicks to get the volume up to a hearable level.  Also, the volume down button for the DVD; takes the volume to the zero, instead of down 1 notch.   After Exam week and Graduation, I’m sure we can get plenty of quality time for programming.

Thanks again to you and your team.